Amber and Firelight Ribbonwick Candle
Since we've added the Ribbonwick family of candles to our store, they've become a very popular addition. One of the reasons is due to the unique, patent-pending wick design that sort of looks like a ribbon, giving the candle its name. Another reason people love these candles so much is due to the amazing amount of light the candle can put off, and its burn time, which can reach up to 20 hours.

One of the scents we have at The Woods is Amber and Firelight, a mixture of a fire scent and the fragrance of amber wood and musk. Right now, you can pick one of these Ribbonwick candles up for $19.95, a 9% discount. Click here to check this candle out, and be sure to browse the entire Ribbonwick line of candles for your favorite scent!

One of the scents we have at The Woods is Amber and Firelight, a mixture of a fire scent and the fragrance of amber wood and musk. Right now, you can pick one of these Ribbonwick candles up for $19.95, a 9% discount. Click here to check this candle out, and be sure to browse the entire Ribbonwick line of candles for your favorite scent!
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