Featured WoodWick Candles from Davlins – The Woods!

Relax and take a break from the stresses of everyday life with these WoodWick Candles on sale at Davlins – The Woods!

The Garden Ivy candle features the scent of a warm summer breeze gently blowing across a garden. This candle is filled with the smell of ripe tomatoes, thick ivy and hints of orange rind. Buy a petite one for $3.50, 3.4 oz for $11, 10 oz. for $15.95 and 22 oz. for $27!

Who doesn’t love the smell of the beach? Escape to a tropical paradise with the summer scents of tropical citrus, creamy coconut and cool summer breezes. Purchase the petite for $3.50, 3.4 oz for $11, 10 oz for $15.95 and 22 oz for $19.95!

Dive in to the aroma of the elusive moonflower with notes of citrus, river lotus and dewy floral. Get a 3.4 oz for $11, a 10 oz for the special price of $15.95 and 22 oz for $27!

Every Virginia Candle Company WoodWick Candle features a natural wick made from organic wood, creating the soothing sound of a cracking fire with exceptional fragrance. For everything WoodWick Candles, visit www.DavlinsWoods.com.  
